Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Traders Hotel Kuala Lumpur

This is my next working place.. Everything is good so far despite several complains from guests.. As the senior says, take it easy.. =) Colleagues here majority are good.. Friendly.. Willing to teach.. Crazy.. But of course there will be some that acting cool but it has nothing to do with me.. You live your own life so am I.. Have been gaining weight since I stopped working and mom is reminding me about that all the time.. Haha.. I've been planning on my diet plan but too lazy to start.. The more she push the more I don't feel like doing it.. =P Raining now.. Time to go to work.. Ciaoz...

Friday, June 22, 2012

我回来了~ 哈哈~

两年后回到这个内心间感觉怪怪的……突然有点冲动想把“内心间”复活……可是自己的三分钟热度一定会让它在一次死去……不管了……反正这几天因为生水痘又没什么好做……就写写吧…… ^^

回想这两年来把自己困在岛上,其实过得还不错。我呀,根本就受不了被管东管西的……所以一个人在岛上过得挺舒服的。前几天在想,如果以后有机会,我想到其他的岛工作。过着无忧愁日子度过人生……好像讲到有点厌倦人世的感觉…… =P

目前呢,只要尽快把病养好,然后再找工作咯。妈妈一个人养家真的很辛苦。有点后悔当时那么意气用事要尽早辞职……如果当时没辞职的话或许比较妥当……但现在后悔也太迟了……只好面对咯…… ='(