Saturday, March 28, 2009


今天被一个同学问... “为什么你那么厉害?” 本来心想她指的是Rubik's cube... 就回答了说“很简单啊,只是记formula”... 她回“不是这个啦,你读书又厉害,什么都厉害...” 其实我一点都不厉害... 一直以来都自以为是的认为自己知道很多,看透很多东西,了解一切... 我根本就是个白痴... 每天只会说一些有的没的烂废话... 实际上什么都没经历过,什么都不懂... 自以为自己很会说话,但是相反的,我还不如一个哑巴的人... 知道他们分手后却完全帮不上忙... 就连最基本的关心都被自己搞到乱七八糟... 说出来的话没让他们好过反而可能制造了很多不必要的烦恼... 对不起... 这18年3个月来我都是个白痴... 一个自以为是的白痴... 对不起...

*我不是不要讲话,只是不要再讲些废话了... 对不起...*

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Celebration for Tae's birthday... 6 lunarians sit around and talks a lot... Opinions, feeling, past, future... I like tonight... Atleast we understand each other better... How I hope MoMo is thr... Gege... Just now once again, memory of "that night" comes to mind... It's painful... Frankly telling just now when I were talking about that night, I were trembling... That moment I somehow feel pain... Not physically... Its somewhr deep in heart... Lucky PMun called for de cake... To me I will say whatever happened is a part of life... No use of trying to forget it... No point... Doesn't matter if its a happy or sad thing... What u all said just now is right... But who don't have their own world? Everyone have their own life, own world, own thinking, own point of view... No right or wrong, should or shouldn't... I live in my world, I will say my thinking is right, I will convince people that I'm right... Who doesn't? Humans are de same... I don't trust anyone who say they are good, innocence, clean, "saint"... No offense but don't make me feel sick... U live ur life, I have my own life... Opinions accepted but no promises can be made... Talked too much tonight... Should take a rest d... Bye... 

~ChaCha's Birthday~!!!~

Yo leng zai~! Happi birthday~! Most important is hope u happy... And be happy for urself and not for people... We live only for once... Try not to make urself regret... Nothing to say... So stay happy la... Almost all de time saw you keep trying to act happy... Hope one day u can reli let me see ur reli happy face... And add oil la... Just do whatever u feel like doing... Like it or not i'll support u... ^^ 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009













~Freedom to speak~

Maybe you are right... I don't have any experience and MAYBE I reli should shut up... But I can't see any wrong in expressing my thought... If a person lives but he can't even speak out what he's thinking, isn't that pathetic... I'm not saying anything that hurts anyone... So let me atleast have the freedom to speak which I should have... If whatever comes out from my mouth is crap or rubbish to you, I won't mind if you cover your ears and turn away... 

P/S: No offense please...

Saturday, March 21, 2009


刚才跟5 lunarians去了MCD喝茶... MYew为lunarians定下了一个规矩... 就是在lunarians之间不可以再有秘密... 我觉得不可能的吧... 因为人终是有些东西是不可告人的... 也许是因为如果公开了会引起无法想象的后果... 所以这个规矩还是被废除废除掉吧... 最多都是希望在lunarians喝茶时不要再提起一些不可以公开的事了... 因为讲真的,不被信任或是被觉得认为不可靠的感觉真的真的很辛苦不好受... 不希望再次体会到这种感觉... 

回到家想了一会... 在脑海里突然出现一道问题... 爱一个人的定义是什么?一道没有确实答案的问题... 因为每个人都不一样... 拥有不一样的想法... 所以还是那一句... 随便吧...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

~Sem 2 result~

Dis sem result....pass all!! Hahaha... 2A 1A- 2B+ 1B- 1C+ Fuh.. Knew that dis sem no sub to resit finally feel relieved.. But when I tell my mom about same thing happened.. Higher expectation.. Sigh.. 1st 5 mins feel so happy.. Den keep on hearing her expectation make me feel sleepy.. Sigh.. Happy mood ran away.. Left sigh and sigh and sigh.. Sigh....

Monday, March 9, 2009

~Redang Island~

3 days 2 nights ended.. One of Lunarians' mission completed.. Those days in Redang is so meaningful to me.. I feel like I'm out of my life.. Went to a peaceful island.. Enjoying sea breeze and sand...(not to mention de polluted side >< ) So happy.. But that's a vacation.. And now here I am, back to realistic life.. Back to Cheras, back to TARC, back to myself.. *Sigh* Hope I stil can afford our next trip.. Waiting to escape from life again..

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


LBH.. I forgot how many times dis name appeared in here..(including when I didnt reli mention it's him..) Everytime I work at IDC I will feel like our friendship increased.. But all dis time I am trying to forget about de fact dat he was/is my friend.. But he never knows as I never tell anything to him.. Why dont I just simply tell him to get lost and we are not friends.. Because he always looks kind and naive? I dun even know what I'm trying to say now.. I wish to forget everything about those people.. But LBH just dun treat me like them.. But he is one of them.. One of de wounds is caused by him.. Whenever I saw LBH I'll think about de old pain.. I guess there is nothing I can do about it.. Just let it be.. Forget about it..