Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
今天放假…… 去了Lumut吃午餐…… 回来之前我竟然还打包了KFC给同事吃……
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
有些人天生就是要炫耀…… 真搞不懂炫耀有什么好呢?让人讨厌…… 让人厌倦……
Monday, June 21, 2010
下雨了…… 在岛上空气真是好…… 刚放工…… 本来打算睡觉的…… 可是还是忍不住就上网了……
Sunday, June 20, 2010
那天晚上见到了他们…… 他还是那么讨人厌…… 他还是那么废…… 他们都没变……
~Back to PLR~
今天8:30AM的巴士到Lumut大约是12:30PM吧…… 回到岛上已经是3:30PM了……
Thursday, June 17, 2010
我又回到KL了~ =)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Today is my 20th day in PLR.. I'm starting to like dis place.. Getting used to everything.. And I got a big surprise today.. I was at de jetty farewelling a family of Dato Ong.. Which I had been arranging things for them during their stay in PLR.. He has been a very friendly guest to me.. Dat time was 1200 and there are 2 speed boat departing.. So I managed to get 6 of them into de 2nd boat so that they dun hv to go in a big group in one speed boat.. After I told them dis, I had a chit chat session with them for a while.. Dato said they maybe coming back soon.. So he asked for my number in case of any reservation or anything.. I was like.. ==" When I were thinking how to react, he asked me are you going to change job or what.. So I happened to tell him dat I'm a trainee here.. We are not supposed to tell guest dat we are trainees.. But since he is going away den nvm la.. Den bla bla bla la about what college a, hometown a, etc.. At last, I gave him my number.. I'm thinking if he is so friendly until he will ask anyone's number, his phone contact should be thousands.. ==" Or he just hope to get my good service again during his next visit.. =P
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Today turned up to be our first and only off day we had together.. So 10 of us went to Pangkor Island and had a 1 day trip.. By morning its fine.. We visited some attractions in Pangkor and took quite some number of pics.. By noon things got better and we got de chance to swim at beach by evening.. And I found out dat I alrdy dun like beach after I swam in the pool.. And I'm missing de pool.. As for dinner we went to a restaurant named 'Coco'.. == Had seafood and beers.. And not to miss out KARAOKE~! =) By de time for us to get back, some were drunk.. Conditions turned bad.. Homesick.. Bad homesick until some were crying around.. Finally we succeeded to get back to hostel.. Shower and here I am.. But today's mood is totally spoiled.. Prejudice among colleagues, hatred among friends, misunderstanding among us, everything.. But I think I should leave it aside.. It's over 12 now so dat's past.. We shall see the surprises that are waiting for us tmr..
Sunday, February 7, 2010
今天是第六天在PLR。感觉还好咯…… 慢慢地适应了这个环境。这里的人都不错…… 蛮有礼貌的。但是确实是有点闷。就连在这里做 permanent staff 的人都在喊闷…… =)对我来说是蛮开心的…… 在这里学到很多新东西…… 也看到了所谓的笑里藏刀…… 但是他们对我到目前为止都还好…… 河水不犯井水就好了。我们也算是很幸运了。才刚到这里几天就有机会看到大明星…… 好像郭富城,梁咏琪,张艾嘉,等等。但是我们还是要专业点…… 所以就算是跟他们说话都是把他们当成和其他客人一样。 最近这两天都听到爱晶的一些举动让我们的同事不爽…… 听说还吵架了…… 但是也不能做什么…… 因为我知道她是不会听我讲的话的…… 所以就随她喜欢就好了…… 出问题的时候就祝她好运吧……
Thursday, February 4, 2010
I'm in PLR d.. PLR stands for Pangkor Laut Resort.. =) Hmm.. Whr should i begin.. Okay.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
It's 11:23PM and here I am.. Just finished watching 8 episodes of 老友狗狗.. Not bad.. No idea what to do now.. Gave up all my FB flash games cause MYew said it's bad for my Lil Hei #2.. Not willing to slp but reali dunno what can I do.. Can't believe my daily activities are so limited.. Sigh..
Tmr going to GK to continue my studies for final.. Coming up next is Law for Hospitality.. Up til now hvnt got de tips for dat.. Going to collect them tmr and gao dim them in 1 day.. Hope I can do it.. =)
I'm going to leave KL for 10 weeks soon.. Dunno why but I'm not as happy as I thought.. Feeling down.. Gonna be alone for 10 weeks.. Going to miss Lunarians~! Will u guys miss me too? ><
I should be slping by now.. But suddenly thought of dis space so here I am.. Just finished mahjong session with MYew and Koh.. Yuan and Tae are playing with my laptop.. And now I remembered MYee said she'll come.. Just found out some truth dat I alrdy guessed.. U make me remembered why we had cool war in yrs ago.. Not in de mood I expected.. Just a big sigh.. U r giving me another excuse not to believe in human....
Dunno yesterday or when I asked Koh and Myew 1 ques.. Will u try to escape during doomsday? Koh's answer is "How do u know it's de doomsday? U'll never know." Does dat shows dat I'm finding an excuse to end my life? Another sigh..
Just watched 'Tiger WooHoo' with MYee and Koh today.. Not bad.. If u r hving not too high expectation on it u should watch it.. At least it makes me drop tears.. Laughter and tears throughout de movie.. Not bad..
Next exam is on 19th.. 2 are down.. 4 more to go.. All de best TKC.. Hope u can do it..
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Countdown 1 and half day to exam.. Feeling so boring at dis moment.. Why dun wan study? Dunno.. Just dun feel like studying.. 犯贱.. Sigh.. Suddenly thought of her.. Is dis so called missing? =="
Monday, January 11, 2010
Countdown 3 days to final.. Cannot allow myself to do bad in dis sem.. But stil not in study mood.. Sigh.. Dis is alrdy de final study sem.. After dis sem den go through internship den thr comes my Diploma cert.. =)
Lately hv been to BTR swimming pool to swim.. Ends up wif my aching arm muscle.. Waiting for de result to show up.. So called lose weight..
Last Wed happened to come home by bus.. When I'm waiting at de bus stop I saw an old lady carrying 2 BIG bags got down from bus den searched de rubbish bin for paper and cans.. If I'm me in de past yrs I will think why do ppl wan to do something like dat.. But my feeling at dat time is respect.. Atleast de old lady is working by her own effort.. Dis is MUCH BETTER than those beggars wif complete body but sitting by roadside asking for money.. They are so pathetic..
Now what should I do... Hmm...
Friday, January 1, 2010
1st day in 2010~! Wish everyone will have a good year.. Today woke up at 2+PM.. So tired.. Feel ill after Shogun yesterday.. May be reali like what MYew said.. I ate too much.. Whole day feel weird weird de.. Had a bad opening for dis year.. Hope de following will turn better.. Reaching 20 yrs old d.. Getting old.. Or may be getting mature will sound better.. =)